Friday, October 14, 2011

Crock Pot "Baked" Potatoes

So, last Sunday morning, I was feeling unprepared for Sunday dinner. I had a busy Saturday and didn't make it to the store. Because I believe that part of keeping the Sabbath Day holy is not doing any shopping on Sunday, I had to figure out what to make for dinner with what I had on hand. The other twist is that our church meetings are from 1pm to 4pm. I had these huge, beautiful potatoes that my sister had given me, but couldn't figure out how to bake them and have them done for a 5pm dinner without leaving church to come home and put them in the oven. Then it hit me. I could "bake" them in the crock pot. I had never done this before, and had never heard of it before. Do other people do this? I scrubbed up the potatoes and threw them in the crock pot on high. They were in the crock pot for about 6 hours, and were cooked to perfect tenderness. (Now, remember that these potatoes were really big). The insides didn't have the dry, fluffy texture that you get from a restaurant baked potato, but they were just fine for my little family. Everyone enjoyed them. I was really happy to discover this technique for "baking" potatoes. I am sure I will end up doing it again for a Sunday dinner before the end of the year when our church schedule will change to 9am-12pm (just shoot me now! I am so not looking forward to getting 4 kids and myself ready and to church by 9am!!!).
P.S. Do you use CrockPot Liners? They are the greatest invention ever! I never cook in my crock pot without one. When you are done with the crockpot, you just pull the liner out, throw it away, and put the crock pot away. You NEVER have to scrub your crock pot! How great is that? You find them by the baggies/foil/oven bags in the store.


  1. I need to buy some of those liners :). I will have to try those potatoes in the crock pot

  2. Haven't tried that before but I do A LOT of baked potatoes in the microwave. 15 minutes and they are squishy ready for chili cheese potatoes, plain baked, or mashed.
